A new and interesting subject
Wild Turkeys in Spring
Since moving to Loveland last July, I’ve found four or five flocks of “Wild Turkeys”. Several of the flocks are definitely “wild” while a couple of the flocks are “human tolerant”. Needless to say, I prefer the tame ones for my photos.
Back in July and August, the turkeys were molting and their heads looked more like vultures. I had hoped the feathers would fill in by Thanksgiving, but still they looked like vultures. Finally, here in the springtime, they look great!
During the middle couple of weeks of March, the Toms are in full breeding form. They fan their tail feathers and drag their wing feathers on the ground. The males can fill their waddle with bright colors and puff them out to impress the females and intimidate the other Toms. One flock has at least six Toms strutting around. As Spring goes in Loveland, it can be warm and sunny one day and snow the next. As a result, I have been able to get shots in two seasons.
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These photos were taken with a Sony A1 and Sigma 60-600mm lens.