Wood Ducks!

Posted December 28, 2023

Stunningly beautiful…

Wood Ducks are one of my three favorite North American ducks. Harlequin Ducks are equally beautiful, but are not commonly seen. Mandarin Ducks might be my favorite species of ducks, but they are not native to the US. I am not sure if they should even count, but I have seen them and they are beautiful. A few Mandarins pop up now and again but are very uncommon. 

Woodies are more common, so I should rate them as number one!  At least from what I have seen, Wood Ducks are less social than most of the area ducks. They are usually seen away from larger groups of Mallards and Canada Geese. Wood Duck males have a wide variety of colors and feather patterns, while the slightly smaller females are mostly brown. Pairs are seldom far from their mate. Both sport the distinctive “Spartan” helmet shaped head feathers.

Wood Ducks have been reported in several of the Front Range ponds and lakes.  I have been lucky to be able to find at least one pair on numerous occasions. Other pairs are occasionally spotted on the same pond, but probably have their own lake or home waters. 

Wood Duck Wood Duck
Wood Duck

It’s difficult to beat the stunning beauty of a male Wood Duck