Posted November 18, 2024
Aftermath of the Alexander Mountain Fire
The local game warden reports that half of the Big Thompson Canyon bighorns died as a direct result of the fire. Following the blaze, at least 11 lambs and many adults were found amongst the scarred landscape.
The Alexander Mountain Fire , began on July 29, 2024 near the mouth of the Big Thompson Canyon. The fire spread quickly, moving up and along the north side of the canyon. It burned numerous homes and structures over a period of a couple of weeks. Officials say the fire was intentionally set. They also belive they have the firestarter in custody.

November is traditionally a great month to view and photograph bighorns in the Big Thompson Canyon. I’ve driven the first 10-12 miles numerous times over the past few weeks, but I have seen only a few. Over the past few trips, I finally was able to photograph a small group of around ten bighorns. None of the “big boys” were in the group, but a couple of them are plenty worth the shots.
Between the fire and a few years of “trophy hunting, the population of big rams has been dwindling. I’ve spoken with a couple of photographers that tell me there are a couple of larger rams up the canyon, but the population is scattered. I am holding out hope that more of the large rams will reappear later in the month.

Many of the ram photos below are of a bighorn some bighorn watchers call “Archie”. Note the arced scar on his left side. I was photographing him for around 20 minutes as he crossed a few hundred yards of rocky terrain. At one bend, he bolted down the final 15-20 feet of the canyon wall. I stopped taking photos to wave both hands and alert an oncoming truck. The driver slammed his brakes, missing Archie by only a few feet. The ram jumped the guardrails, and in a couple of additional jumps, made his way to the river bottom below.
If ther’e a positive side to this story, I might suggest that habitat recovery for the bighorns should be fairly quick. Fire definitely burned a lot of trees, but the bighorns eat grasses and shrubery, which should return in abundance next spring.
We moved to Loveland in July of 2022. This my third year to be able to photograph the bighorns of the Big Thompson Canyon. Links to the previous two years are shown below:
Bighorns of the Big Thompson Canyon (2022)
Season of Bighorns 2023