Colorado Sunrises

Morning light is saturated, rich, and colorful

Colorful Colorado Sunrises

Macey, our Golden Retriever, is usually eager to go with me on my photo outings. To get these shots, I have to get up in the dark and head out before there is even a hint of morning light. When Macey sees me up at that time of the morning, she usually prefers to roll over in her warm bed and send me out alone! (Smart dog)

Sunrise photography is always a gamble! The weather forecasts can be helpful, but I find them to be rarely accurate enough for my purposes. A single cloud bank can spoil the beautiful morning light I like for my photography. But really, getting the colorful shots is only part of going out. In most cases, “just being out” in the crisp, cool morning is reward enough for getting up early.

Sunrise Devil's Backbone