Posted August 26, 2023
127 Years of Tradition and Hope on Display!
The annual parade in Loveland’s historic downtown strikes a perfect balance of old and new. The Corn Roast Festival is just one of Loveland’s many festivals held each year. Only a few miles away, you can find the “big box” stores, but Loveland’s downtown still clings to it’s historically unique and charming character. A hometown parade like this one seems to fit the space! Festive onlookers and participants span the full spectrum of age groups.

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Vintage fire engines, tractors and police cruisers highlight one end of the spectrum and kids, young adults, and students fill in the other end of the spectrum. Each of Loveland’s schools and academies send their band, athletic teams, cheerleaders and dance teams. The streets were lined with youngsters holding canvas shopping bags. Parade participants fill their bags with a Halloween sized bounty of treats. I can’t help but think the concept of “start them young and keep them involved” is a secret to the Parade’s success over 127 years.