Posted June23, 2022
4th of July Festivities at Berthoud & Loveland, CO
Darla and I went Berthoud, CO on Monday night. The weather was great. Another large fireworks show was schedules for 9:30 pm at Horsehoe Lake for Tuesday. Unfortunately, the day was filled with rain, wind, and even some hail⏤not your typical perfect 4th of July! I was told the large fireworks show over Horseshoe lake actually happened at 10:30 pm, but after it started raining again at 10:10 pm, I left and was back at home. The second gallery shows some of the private fireworks around Horseshoe Lake.
Darla & I were able to see the fireworks over Lake Loveland last year. That was during a period of time when we were waiting to move into our new house. Wow! This year has flown by SO fast!
Photo Gallery: Berthoud, CO
Images captured using a sturdy tripod with a Sony A1 body and a Tamron 35-150mm lens.
Photo Gallery: Horseshoe Lake
Two of these images were single, long exposure captures. The third is a composite from around 10 captures.