Spring Returns to the Rockies

Posted April 17, 2024

A Fresh Palette of Color

After a few months of gray and brown, it is refreshing to experience vivid colors again! A week makes a big difference along Colorado’s Front Range. Perennial flowers magically reappear, grass turns green, and deciduous trees go through the necessary stages to display their bright green leaves. Seasonal birds like Osprey, Pelicans, Red-winged Blackbirds, Robins, and Meadowlarks slip back into the region. Some of the returning birds are mating, while other year round species are already on their nests  and with chicks.

Bighorns and elk have shaggy coats, but the antlered ungulates like elk are already displaying their new velvet covered antlers.

Morning light is beautiful, bathing the region with orange and peach light. Catching that light takes a 5:00am alarm, but it is almost always worth it!