Wild Horses at Sand Wash Basin

Posted May 7, 2024

Iconic Symbols of the American West

Wild Horses on the BLM’s Horse Management Areas (HMA) are protected under the Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971. They wild are left to roam and thrive across 157,000+ acres of Sand Wash Basin. 

My recent trip to Sand Wash Basin coincided with the Great American Horse Drive,.
The event is held on the first Sunday in May in the small town of Maybell, CO. Call it a “horse weekend” for me! From my driveway to my driveway, I put roughly 800 miles on my truck, plus the expense of two nights in a hotel. It was worth every penny!

Early May is typically a good time to view the wild horses
Mare’s often drop their foals and stallions become more active.
The weather is usually good and, unless it rains or snows, most roads are passable.

Wild Horses at Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses at Sand Wash Basin
Wild Horses at Sand Wash Basin

I made two trips to Sand Wash Basin during my short time in the area. I found roughly 20 horses during a few hours of my first afternoon⏤mostly in beautiful evening light. With no prior knowledge of the area, water holes, or roads, I felt lucky to find them. After photographing the Great American Horse Drive on Sunday morning, I went back to Sand Wash, but this time, I was accompanied by a few friends. Their knowledge of the area definitley helped me get closer to new bands of horses via some of the secondary two track roads. Despite stiff winds, I was able to take some decent photos. Storm clouds were rolling in and the light was dropping quickly, so we headed back to Maybell. 

Sand Wash Basin is a little more than 300 miles from my home in Loveland.  With the gasoline and time already invested, I made the “executive” decision to stay an extra night at the quaint Old Victory Hotel in Marybell. I was hoping to capture another morning of wild horse images. Unfortunately, late spring storm clouds dropped an inch or two of overnight snow across the entire region. The HMA’s dirt roads get extremely slick and dangerous following snow or rain. I relunctantly chose to head back to Loveland, but I know I will to go back soon.

Click Here to view The Great American Horse Drive